
xkcd-wrapper retrieves all the information about xkcd comics through the xkcd API. To start retrieving xkcd comic data, start by importing xkcd-wrapper:

import xkcd_wrapper

then instantiate the Client:

client = xkcd_wrapper.Client() 

Then you can use one of the available methods to retrieve xkcd comics:

  • get(<id>) -> retieves comic by id
  • get_latest() -> retrieves the latest comic (can also be called as just latest())
  • get_random() -> retrieves a random comic (can also be called as just random())

All methods return a Comic object which contains the structured xkcd comic data. Each of these methods also take a boolean keyword argument raw_comic_image (defaults to True), which is a boolean indicating if the raw comic image should be retrieved or not (retrieving the image implies another http request).

comic = client.get(comic_id, raw_comic_image=True)

You can access the xkcd comic data like so:                # comic number              # date of release
comic.title             # title
comic.description       # description
comic.transcript        # dialog and scene transcript
comic.image             # raw comic image
comic.image_extension   # comic image extension (ex: .png, .jpeg)
comic.image_url         # comic image url
comic.comic_url         # comic webpage url
comic.explanation       # xkcd explanation wiki url

Async implementation

The AsyncClientcan be used in much the same way as Client. After importing xkcd_wrapper, instantiate the AsyncClient:

async_client = xkcd_wrapper.AsyncClient() 

Then the same methods with the same parameters are available as for Client, but they are all async:

  • get(<id>) -> retieves comic by id
  • get_latest() -> retrieves the latest comic (can also be called as just latest())
  • get_random() -> retrieves a random comic (can also be called as just random())

All methods also return a Comic object.

import asyncio
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
comic = loop.run_until_complete(async_client.get_random())