Setting up Development Environment

To setup the development environment for xkcd-wrapper:

1. First fork xkcd-wrapper Github repository.

2. Then clone your fork into your machine. You can use Github Desktop or git like so:

$ git clone

Alternatively, you can simply download xkcd-wrapper from Github as a .zip file.

3. Create a virtual environment. Most IDE's have an option to create virtual environments. Otherwise you can use virtualenv to create one.

Assuming you have virtualenv installed:

$ mkdir venv
$ virtualenv venv/xkcd-wrapper

to activate the environment:

$ cd venv/xkcd-wrapper/bin
$ source activate

4. Install the required packages for development. Run the following on the root of the xkcd-wrapper project:

$ make install-dependencies
$ make install-dependencies-dev

5. You can now make all the changes you want.

6. When you're satisfied with your changes, push them to your fork of xkcd-wrapper. Again, you can use Github Desktop or git:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Your detailed description of your changes"
$ git push origin name-of-your-bugfix-or-feature

Pull Requests

Before submitting your changes as a pull request:

1. Test your code by running the following on the root of the xkcd-wrapper project:

$ make test
$ make lint
$ make coverage

All tests should pass, linting should be 10/10 and coverage should be 100% or close.

If you added any documentation, check if it looks ok by running:

$ make docs-test

and opening the locally served documentation (you can close it by hitting Ctrl-C on the command line).

2. Don't forget to write docstrings, tests and documentation, if appropriate. Try to follow the overall coding style of xkcd-wrapper.

3. Finally submit a pull request on the xkcd-wrapper Github repository.