
xkcd comic representation

A Comic represents a single xkcd comic. xkcd_wrapper.Client and xkcd_wrapper.AsyncClient generate Comic objects


The Comic class can be instantiated with the following parameters:

Comic(xkcd_dict, raw_image=None, comic_url=None, explanation_url=None)
Parameter Type / Value Default Description
xkcd_dict dict dictionary containing the xkcd API response json
raw_image bytes / None None raw comic image
comic_url str / None None xkcd comic url
explanation_url str / None None explainxkcd wiki url


Instances of the Comic class have the following attributes. All attributes can be None if the value was omitted from the xkcd API response, for some reason

Attribute Type / Value Description
id int / None xkcd comic id
date datetime.date / None date when comic was released
title str / None comic title
description str / None comic description
transcript str / None comic transcript
image bytes / None raw comic image
image_extension str / None comic image extension (ex: .png, .jpeg)
image_url str / None comic image url
comic_url str / None comic url
explanation str / None explainxkcd wiki url

Special Methods

  • __repr__